The total satisfaction of our Customers’ needs.

To conceive and design the most appropriate answer to the requests of each Customer, to fully satisfy their production needs, developing customised systems and ensuring competitiveness through the adoption of innovative technological solutions and the quality of products and services.
Highest consideration and observance of the law in force
(as for example: EN 292, EN 60204, 97/23/CE, etc.) and mutual benefit relationship with customers and suppliers.

• Respect and Protection of Human Rights
We respect and protect basic human rights
• Prohibition of Discrimination
We respect one another as individuals and do not discriminate on the grounds of ethnicity or race
• Prohibition of harassment
We do not speak or act in ways that degrade individual dignity
• Protection of privacy
We do not disclose information related to individuals’ private lives
• Respect and Protection of fundamental labour rights
We respect and protect the fundamental labour rights
• Prohibition of forced labour
We do not take part in any form of forced labour or child labour

Since 1954 we have been, and are still today, constructors in the realisation of tailor-made solutions for our customers
and this is the reason why we are capable of responding to every specific demand.
We are Italians, with a deep love for our work, carried out with care and precision, our attention, focused on customer care.
Our experience and research represent our excellence in food product packaging.
EcoVadis is one of the most important international platforms for rating corporate sustainability, in more than 220 sectors and 180 countries, which is based on international standards.
It is with great pride that ZACMI announces that it has reached an important milestone in its commitment to sustainability and corporate social responsibility by obtaining, in 2023, the Ecovadis silver medal and improving, in 2024, its score.
This result demonstrates ZACMI continuous commitment to pursuing ethical business practices, to manage natural resources responsibly and to promoting fair and safe working conditions.

Zacmi is committed to continually improving its products and services with regard to environmental issues. To this end, the company has adopted a Quality and Environmental Management System in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015.
In 2024 Zacmi also obtained ISO 45001 certification, as a result of its commitment to improving workers’ safety and well-being.