The Beginning, 3rd January 1954
The economic boom is a few years away, the Second World War is a distant memory and the future is no longer a threat. Whilst the Italian TV network transmits its first telecast, our story begins on January 3rd, in Bernabei Road: three employees and a great idea.
In fact, Mr. Giuseppe Zanichelli finds fertile ground for his vision: our venture begins constructing
mechanical components and pump parts.

New Headquarters, Via Mantova 65
This is the year when Gimondi wins the “Tour de France” and the Mont Blanc tunnel is opened; Zanichelli Meccanica grows towards new paths with four employees and nineteen factory workers; it is time to move on to the present headquarters in Mantova Street. The working space is larger and we also expand from makers of simple components towards the construction of entire filling and closing machines for the food industry.
In the meantime, our sales network spreads abroad through several trusted collaborators, some of whom are still with us today. Throughout these years the core business has changed and is now concentrated on food.
Our expansion leads to export and our presence in every continent.
High-speed Filling, 600 cans per minute
Working space widens to house not only a large construction factory, but also a canteen, a warehouse and more.
Throughout these years, our machinery, built under a new technology, has reached operating speeds of up to 600 c.p.m. (cans/minute).

China loves Tomato
In the year of 1985, we export our first tomato processing plant to China. This new growth in the Company calls for a further increase in working spaces, giving particular attention to offices that are to accommodate people who are gradually becoming a part of the Company.
We make our entrance into the pet food sector, in collaboration with the most important multinational companies in this field.
ZACMI = Patents
We become aware that technology is highly important and has a large impact on our machinery and customers; we are ready to face any challenge and the result is the preparation for a Research and Development Department. In fact, ZACMI still today dedicates part of its total turnover to Research and Development. One of the aims is to search for materials that contribute towards a reduction in energy consumption. As the years go by, there is an increasing desire for innovation and it is with this spirit that we obtain about 47 patents, some of which are still valid in the present day.
In 1996, ground space is no longer enough, so we move on to a World Wide Web, where “” is born.

1000 Goal reached
At the dawn of what is now the end of the twentieth century, we build our thousandth filler, for the accurate dosage of pepper strips into glass jars. However, 1000 is not only the number of filling machines built, it is now also the operating speed we have reached through our technology: our machinery in fact runs at 1000 c.p.m.
Changes: keeping up with time
The new century begins and we obtain the ISO 9001:1994 Standard Certification, just one of the factors that proves how important quality is to us. Our venture for quality is equally based on machinery and people.
During these years, we construct our first Monoblock composed of flowmeter fillers for the pet food industry.
By now, our Company has over 100 employees and we are suppliers to the most important companies in our sectors.
As 2015 arrives, we decide to approach the Lean thinking method, introducing Lean Manufacturing, that has allowed us to obtain a substantial improvement in rearranging our work method.

This is ZACMI
Today, the world is changing, we have developed a filler that runs at 1200 c.p.m., over 2500 of our filling and closing machines are spread throughout the globe, our turnover has soared to over 30 million Euro and we aim to continue growing, because our desire and passion will always be a part of us!