• In 2019, ZACMI North America is born with headquarters in Anderson, Indiana. This idea springs from the desire to improve our service and efficiency in the North American Continent, where each year we register multiple requests for support to our dedicated customers and to welcome newcomers in the discovery of our company’s technological know-how.
•These new headquarters offer all the sales-related services and above all, after-sales assistance, dealt with promptly and directly in the U.S.
• Whilst the development and construction of our machinery continues from Italy, in our Parma headquarters, a number of qualified and specialised technicians are on site in the U.S.A. to add value to our well-established quality guarantee, that maintains its Italian roots.
Regional Acct. Mgr. (Elkhart, IN)
Brad Rhoadebrhoade@comcast.net – mobile: +1 317-753-2010
National Acct. Mgr. (Sarasota, FL)
Jeffrey Rhoadejeffrhoade@gmail.com – mobile: +1 574-536-7771
After Sales Technical Manager
Martino Chiefari mchiefari@zacmi.com